Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Must stay awake.......

Dang jetlag.  He's been calling me the last 2 nights, and I've been ignoring him.  Looks like I have to give in and say hello.   

But before then I may as well give the highlights of the day. 

  • Was totally late for class today
  • Was told I owed $4200 USD to the school.   Keep in mind that I already paid a $700 deposit on my original bill which was originally $4300.  Luckily, the problem was taken care of and I paid the difference.
  • Went to lunch with August and Nadya.  We're quite the dynamic trio.  August, who is also a vegetarian, and I agreed to split too vegetarian dishes.  We sort of had to guess since the menus were in Spanish.  He got a really good conolini (spell check?), and i got what turned out to be a baked potato topped with sweet potatoes on one side and this spinach concoction on the other.  Needless to say, August felt guilty when he didn't want to split.  It reminded me of my mothers cooking, so while it was a little bland, I enjoyed it.  towards the end, I found a hair in it, so while I was totally not thrilled to see it, It was taken off the bill.  
  • I almost feel let down that I haven't been mugged yet.  

Song on my head of the day
Just My Imagination - The Cranberries

Opinion of the Day
  Ok, so when you order water in Argentina, you can get it one of two ways; with gas or without.  The water with gas doesn't tickle my fancy so much.  If water was meant to bubble when it isn't hot boiling, it would happen naturally.  This opinion is of course a joke since I love things that are unnatural.  I mean, look at ME for evidence.   This was an bogus opinion because I couldn't post my sadness over the fact that you have to pay for water in Argentina, unlike in the states. Aside from the fact that it's great for you, the fact you didn't have to pay for water was one of the many reasons I always drink it.  Mourning over the loss of free hydration didn't seem opinion of the day worthy.  

Next time on Alex's Thought Bubble

  • The search for an alarm clock and local cell phone continues
  • Alex's Thought Bubble will hopefully feature videos and pictures
  • Blogs written on adequate sleep may occur (but don't get your hopes up)

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