I took a 4 hour nap today and it was one of the most amazing things I've done since I got here.
It was really great to see so many different people from several different cultures come together with the common purpose of having an amazing time. I was not sure I was going to go, and now I am so insanely thrilled that I did. It's really funny because everything thinks that since I am from Vegas, that I party until like 8 or 9 in the morning. Some were very surprised that I wanted to leave at 2:30 in the morning because I had class at 9. It's almost as if they didn't think it was a good excuse. They obviously don't know how cranky I can get when I am sleep deprived.
This trip to the club gave rise to a new section of my blog that I am very excited about.
Person back home of the day : This will be a somewhat random choice, it will not be a reflection of who I am missing the most or anything of the sort. So if it takes a while for you to be chosen, please don't take it personally. I am thinking of a lot of people everyday, but it's a bit much to post ALL of them. But if something blog worthy happens and it totally makes me think of someone, that's who I will probably put on here. :)
Todays winner........Laura Karavitis
Laura worked on the play I did this summer. She had a theory (which I thought was brilliant) that you could do any horrible dance move (including the running man, the sprinkler, etc) as long as you had a serious look on your face. When tested, all tests I conducted supported the notion. The split second you look start smiling or looking like you are having fun, you look absolutely ridiculous. Try it, you'll totally agree. In the discoteca as I was totally acting a fool, I tried it with a few dance moves. Whether or not they, or any other moves I do when I'm not conducting social experiments, were successful, it didn't matter. because I felt was having a great time. Thank you Laura and your insight that still makes me laugh to this day!
Opinion/Observation of the day:
I thought was really weird how the frequency of people who were telling me I look like Sideshow Bob from The Simpsons rose a few weeks before I left. I think it was preparing me for life in Buenos Aires. H-O-L-Y C-R-A-P. I don't think I've gone a day without hearing it 3 or more times. If I've ever had an impulse to cut my hair, it is definitely here now. I know most people mean well, but come on people.....Really? 
Perhaps I could walk around with a sharp object and not have to worry about buying a halloween costume while I'm down here.
Song on my head of the day
Rihanna- Umbrella
I'm still trying to figure out how to get pictures from my computer to my blog. Right now it seems all I can do is pull pictures from other websites into my blog. When I try to put a video or picture from my photos, I get a little spinny thing that after hours of waiting, does not yield the pictures into my blog. Any help on how to get pictures from a macbook onto this blog will be extremely appreciated. The person who tells me how to do it could have premier access to my photos the entire time I'm here! (I don't know, I figured I needed incentive.
Love you all!
yay for fun at la dicoteca and for that theory of serious face dancing. i will definitely have to try it out.
try uploading your images from macbook to www.imageshack.us and then linking off them in your blog. that should work. either that or just ignore me, lol.
I'm glad you are having fun and enjoying your times. i'll probably comment with less frequency but will always still read updates! continue having fun :D
There is actually a little icon when you are writing in your blogger window that looks like an actual photo..it's the third from the right. Adios! Have fun!
Yeah, I tried, but It does not work for me. When I do the little icon button for another photo, all I get is a little spinning thing that doesnt anything. and my internet connection is very good. I think its just not very compatable with a mac or something. The only thing I have been able to do so far is upload on facebook. They have a special uploader for facebook users. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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