Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A 2nd trip is brewing....

Again, pretty tired, so am going to post the highlights of the day!
  • Next monday is a national holiday of Argentina.  Most people are going on trips since it's a 3 day weekend.  The family that my Swedish friend August is staying told him if we wanted to get out and see the country, this was the weekend to see it.  August, Nadja (my German/Aussie friend) and I decided we would try to take a trip.  My new friend from Denmark, Matthias, is coming with us.  We will be going to Rosario, Argentina, on Saturday and returning Monday around noon.  I am very excited.
  • I invited the older gentleman out to lunch with us today, and he was so grateful, he paid for the entire ticket of our group.  He is a very nice gentleman.  
  • I am doing very well.  The city is very interesting, and the people are pretty hit or miss.  Either very friendly or very distracted.  I'm loving it here though.  I'm making a lot of friends and it seems that as long as I have this crazy hair of mine, I will never blend in.  Which is good and bad in several situations.  
  • Classes are going very good, but I'm finding it very difficult to break down and organize all of my notes and study.  I know I know, it's very bad.  But I am still improving.  There is just so much to see/do.  I know that after I wake up and go to class today, I need to come home, sleep and study.  

Song on my head of the day
Pink - So What

Opinion/Observation of the day
If I'm not murdered in this country, I swear on everything I own I will go out on a staircase.  The stairs here are for people who are not clumsy and who have eyes that are close enough to the ground to see them.  The stairs are very skinny and very deep.  Also, in many cases, there are pieces of wood 3-4 inches tall all over the place that I keep tripping on.  I'm trying to pay attention to them so that I don't trip and die, but it's very difficult.  At least I'm providing humor inadvertently like I do a in Vegas.   

1 comment:

Rowynn said...

OMG!!! No the stairs!! Anything but the stairs!!

Bu tseriously be careful, and don't you dare start enjoying yourself so much that you don't want to come home, because my nutrtionist says that if I don't see you soon I will DIE!!

I love you!
