Monday, December 1, 2008

Best update to date

Because there's a lot going on with not so many words!  Aka VIDEO!!! 

I finally did a video compilation of everything going on down here in Argentina.  Looking back, I'm really glad, lucky, and excited about this entire experience.  Hope it doesn't end anytime soon.    IF YOU'RE HERE SPECIFICALLY FOR THE VIDEO, JUST SCROLL DOWN TO WATCH IT :)

But first, a few (SHORT) updates.

Started Intermediate 1B yesterday.  I really like my new teacher.  The people I liked the most in Intermediate 1A are in my new class.  We got a girl from Switzerland who based on first impressions is a bit of an ice princess.  I'm sure she's fine, just first day impressions (or so I hope).  Today we also got a new student named Martin.  He's also from Switzerland.  Apparently, there's a part of Switzerland that speaks Swiss-German and a part that speaks French.  Never new this.  

It's still me, my Argentine bestie Jojo (Scotland) and Tessa (USA) from our last class.  We're a pretty fun group I think.  I currently have my 3rd male teacher, which is funny because there are only 5 out of about 25 teachers at the school that are guys.  Weird.  

Nothing new to report in the realm of new friends from the school.  Still hanging out with the same posse.  I don't know if it's a lack of trying, but it seems harder to meet new arrivals at the school.   Probably because I'm not doing NEARLY as many activities as I used to.  There IS some sort of theatre activity with games and stuff which is sooo something I'm going to.  

Alex had a breakthrough the other night, I met a guy playing guitar in the street.  We talked and I went against my initial judgement and went with him to this food court-esque place at 230 in the AM.  He kept announcing I was from Vegas, and I was convinced I was going to get robbed.  But we met some really cool people who talked to me in Spanish and I could actually understand them.  It was REALLY cool and a big confidence boost.  Going to stay in contact with them for sure. 

In General
  I've been caught in the rain twice since saturday week.  Aside from the risk of getting sick, I'm loving the rain.  I mean, honestly.  How can it be spring when it's 30 celcius?  It does suck however when you're wearing flip flops with zero tread left on them while walking on sidewalks that are really smooth.  But then again I'm sure it's funny to watch me trying to not fall on my butt all day.  Got a bit homesick this last weekend.  Was able to see Kurt (my friend from the states that I've known for about 5 years) and his boyfriend.  Kurt is the only one who can REALLY make me feel like I'm back at home since he's the only person in BA I knew before I came here.  I don't know why that's important, but I did feel closer to home when I was with him.   In 8 weeks we saw each other MAYBE 5 times.  This last weekend, however, we hung out Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday.  Poor Guy. 

This is the first video I've done.  So far, I've only received positive feedback.  So I can't really ask for more than that now can I?  It looks great on my application for making movies, but I'm not a fan of how it looks on youtube, but what can you do?  It's my first video that I've made, so all you movie buffs out there need to be nice.  

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