Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the hands of you!

Wow, in the middle of week number 8.  How crazy is that?  Sorry for the extreme wait in updateage.   Week 7 wasn't as nice to me as week 6.  But don't worry, I'm surviving and going to spare you the gory details.  Just a few updates, followed by a request to all of you for my next blog update.  

  I moved into the intermediate level, which was pretty exciting.  The teacher is nice enough, but I'm no where near being smart enough for his class.  He talks REALLY fast and uses a lot of words I don't understand.  Joanna (who I've dubbed Jojo) and I are still really tight.  We study and do homework together when we can.  There's this guy named Andrew from the states who is probably in his mid 40 and without a doubt my least favorite person I've known in a class.  We've also got Tessa from the states, Mark from Germany.  We lost Manfred (from my 2B class) last friday and got Martin (Holland) this week.  We've solidified that if you're not from one of the BIG 4 (USA, Switzerland, Holland, or Germany) you're only like 5% of the students at the school.  Classes are way more hectic than before....but I'm hanging in there.

  Friday we lost Eric (Holland).  He was a really cool guy.  He had his moments where I think he need a good reality slap, but I was sad to see him go.  Stephanie (U.S.) is done at the school, but staying in Buenos Aires, so that's nice.  Those are the highlights on those.  

Observation of the Day
   BA and PDA.  People here are very open about who they like if you catch my drift.  If I wasn't more secure about being single (I falter sometimes, but yeah) then I would be so annoyed.  People are making out all over the place.  It's sort of funny.  

I know, short right?

I've been meaning to do this for a while.  I feel like my blog has been lacking a little bit in the cultural significance sector.   So from all of you who still read this (Lol, all 3 of you :) )  If you have any questions about the city/life down here, my experience, please send them to me via e-mail at Abnormalbay@yahoo.com.  It will give me the opportunity to reflect better on what's been going on, it will also get me into thinking mode if there are cultural questions that I don't know the answer to.  I want my next blog entryto be another Q and A session as was one of my posts back in September.  Hoping to have some fun with this one.  And yes Paige, I will answer the question about Mate.  :)

Bye my lovelies.  


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