Tuesday, November 11, 2008

As the halfway point draws nearer.....

There are so many things to think about and consider, and don't you just feel so thrilled to have a front row seat?  Sorry for the delay, The first 4 weeks, there were 2 wifi internet connections that I could use.  Last week, one of the became locked, and about 5 days ago, the other one became VERY weak.   So I didn't have any connection to the internet from home.  Luckily, today a new one showed up, so I'm trying to get as much out of it as I can before I encounter a similar problem as the other 2.  

Ok, so yesterday sparked the 6th week of me being gone.  To me, this is totally insane, because it doesn't feel like I have been gone that long.  6 weeks is definitely the longest I've ever been away from home at one time.  It feels good.  But obviously, there are things back home that I definitely miss.  (You know who you are *wink*) 

Classes are continuing and they are ok.  My teacher likes to talk a lot, which is good since I'm much worse at understanding than speaking (which I am STILL being told is weird by EVERYONE, lol)  and I can use the practice.  But sometimes if I don't figure out a way to be engaged in the conversation of class, it's hard for my mind not to wander just a little.  Thank god for my new Scottish friend, Joanna.  She's my sanity in that class right now.  Jo and I are spending a lot of time together.  It's sort of eerie how much travel/life wise we have in common.  She's less than a year older than me, we have a degree in the same subject.  We both are at the language school for 3 months (even though she started a month after me) and we both want to find jobs so we can stay down here until we are fluent, so we definitely have a LOT of similarities. 

Joanna "Jo" (Scotland) and I.  Really sweet girl.  The sun makes my face look like some sort of Kabuki landing pad for the Starship Enterprise.  

New Blog Section:  Job Hunting
The browsing for a job has officially begun.  A bit later than I expected I would.  I've decided that I definitely want to stay here beyond my studies at the school.  While I know I'll get a lot of practice in at the school.  I don't believe I'll be fluent in 6.5 more weeks.  Right now, it seems like I'll be looking for a job in a bar (eww), a hotel (smells like Vegas anyone?) or just teaching english (which would be totally awesome!)  The teaching thing would be great, because I have friends that say it's REALLY easy and fun.  But some places you need certification, which is something I definitely don't have.  But we'll see.  Everyone down here always asks "what do you do?"  which is always a weird question for me.  Obviously you understand if you know what my last two jobs were.  So I guess I need to start narrowing my answer from "Anything" to "customer service and performance."  *shrugs*  We'll see.  

The social aspect continues to be an interesting one.  It's REALLY getting harder and harder to try and get to know someone on a more than surface level when you find out they're only in town for 2-4 weeks.  Of course I still get to know them and maybe invite them out to lunch if the situation presents itself, but it's a little difficult to get close to someone you know will leave.  It really makes you long for your friends back home that you know wouldn't leave you if you hadn't uprooted yourself and flown to another hemisphere.  (Miss you guys!)  The really stupid thing, is I KNOW I need to be making friend down here in Buenos Aires.  And anyone who knows me, knows that I have 0 trouble talking to new people and making friends.  However, the language barrier is absolutely KILLER!  Especially since it is hard for me to understand Spanish.  I can in theory go up to people and start talking to them in spanish, but the split second they start talking back, it's impossible.  So I'm sort of in between a rock and a hard place on that one.  It's sort of sad though, because I've talked to some people from Argentina who are VERY nice to me.  Ugh.....it's very hard.  Something about not being able to communicate like I do in english is very uncomfortable for me.  I know I need to get over that so I can improve on my listening skills.

Semi-New Section: Events and Outings
Creamfield:  Big Outdoor Electronica Festival that everyone was talking about.  It seemed like a chance to rake in some culture and something interesting to do.  So I splurged and bought a ticket.  We arrived and it was a really large field with a bunch of different tents set up for different acts.  There were also A LOT of men walking around shirtless.  Now, back home, I try to refrain from being one of the guys who oggles attractive people when the walk by.  But OH MY FREAKING GOSH, it was impossible NOT to be looking.  Anywho, I unfortunately discovered that Electronica isn't exactly my favorite type of music.  But there were definitely acts that I LOVED......well, one act that I loved.  A lot of the acts to me (having no understanding about how electronica works) sounded the same to me.  But one that I did watch was this group called Bajofondo.  They are an electronica tango group.  They were flipping amazing.  I loved them.  They were INSANELY good.  I suggest everyone take a look at them.  You may have to look around for a little.  Some of the videos I found of them on Youtube were not a reflection at ALL of how talented they are.   Unfortunately, around 11 pm, I started having............breathing trouble (*dun dun dun) I know......sucks big time.  So I take the hike to where I could grab a water and breathe for a minute, and visit the doctors tent (why there would be one at this festival is beyond me, but I was pretty glad) After convincing 3 people that I HADN'T taken any recreational drugs, I got a hit of an inhaler that didn't do much.  Spliced with some drama I didn't want to stay and enjoy, the breathing thing made me decide to go home.   It was a bummer because EVERYONE was saying how it was going to get better as the night progressed, but what can you do?

The ladies in Black were my dates to Creamfield.  LtR Sanne (Holland), Alex, Tanja (Switzerland), Amy (UK) (also from the school), and Dunja (Holland)  My evil tanline is back......ew.......

I don't know WHY there were guys who were at an Electronica concert dressed as the Y.M.C.A. guys, but I know it was worth taking a picture.

God Bless Europe.   Simon (England) and Phillipe (Germany)

"Mi Segundo Nombre Es Fiesta"  Best sign EVER!

Doctors visit 2.0
Well I went to the doctors office yesterday (again) at the German Hospital.  For those of you new to the blog, yes, there is a German Hospital in Argentina.  I don't really know why, but there you go.  The doctor said my lungs sound ok, but that it's probably asthma, not sure how that make sense, but then again, I'm not a doctor.  It sucks because I haven't had a flair up like this with my breathing since I was a Senior in High School (that I can recall)  He prescribed the South American equivalent to Advair.  I'm already starting to feel better, but I obviously won't be doing any rigorous cardio workouts soon.  :)  

At the tail-end of the visit, I asked the doctor if I could jump on the scale.  I've been convinced that since I've arrived in Buenos Aires, I've gained anywhere from 5-10 lbs.  I know I know, "Alex, it doesn't matter because you're so skinny."  Humor me people, It's something I think about.  So I'm convinced I'm putting on all this weight.  Keeping in mind that I was anywhere between 150-155 lbs at any given point throughout college, I get on the scale and weigh 67.5 kg or 148 lbs.  I couldn't believe that one.  It HAD been a few hours since I had eaten last, but I was very surprised.  So I'm thinking I might be developing body dysmorphic disorder or something.  Who knows?  It was funny, he tried to figure out my BMI.  After he figures it out, he looks at me and says, "18%, you're underweight" Something in his tone made me think this was suppose to surprise me.  

Money Matters:
So with the splurge on the concert+ buying drinks (I only bought water like a boring person) and the unexpected expense of having to take a taxi home alone since I had my breathing episode combined with the abrupt doctors visit and prescription drug, I have entered this period where it seems like I am rapidly spending money.  Collectively, it isn't too much in general, but for an unemployed American with a limited amount of money at his disposal, It definitely helped in the decision that this is the week I need to start researching job positions.  I also am not going to frequent restaurants that often either.  I still think I could make what I have left last me until the end of my schooling, but I sort of want to have some of that money as a cushion if I am able to stay for unexpected doctors visits and rent crises. 

Song on my head of the day:
I only know it as "Track 11" on Switchfoot's "The Beautiful Letdown" album.  It's been in my itunes for a while, but I never listened to it.  Found it a few days ago.  It's a tad melancholy, but a good song.  Catchy, especially toward the end.  

Person (People) Back home of the day:
Double hitter this time!  L2R Paige and Michelle.  Thing 1 and Thing 2!  (Good friends of mine) These two are hilarious.  I used to work with Paige's Husband and I can't ever remember how Michelle and I met the very first time, but all that matters is that I think they're both amazing!  They're always so supportive and they can make me laugh in ways I can't quite explain in any language I'm fluent in.  Miss you Girls, thanks for supporting the craziness that is your friend and for checking in on my blog.  :)

Observation of the Day
  This was actually sort of a surprise.  There are WAY more short people in this country.  I don't know if it's a lack of appreciation for vegetables as opposed to meat or WHAT it is, but there are some Shorty McShortisons down here.  I'm not trying to make fun of them, and there are DEFINITELY people who are not vertically challenged.  But there are enough people (women AND men) out here that are not of the 5'6'' and above variety for me to notice the trend.   My current instructor is probably 5'2'' and that guy from the gay pride parade that I danced with might have barely breached 5'' even.  

I would put you all through more punishment and write more, but I can't think of anything else to write for this post.  So aren't you all lucky?

Next time on Alex's Thought Bubble
  • Alex will be hopefully breathing well enough to go running.  Maybe I can go make some friends that way....... probably not, but here's for hoping.
  • Alex will ask his friends and blog followers to participate in an upcoming blog post!


Helles Belles said...

The wii fit said your bmi is 18% too. lol Paige and I miss you and love reading about your escapades. Hope you can breathe better soon.=)

P.S. The song is called twenty-four

Paige said...

Miss you! Have you been keeping up on Waking up in Vegas? Two new episodes since your departure!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shalsh,
Thought I'd check out and see if you had anything new posted. I guess we blog our own way via Skype. Anyway, just wondering how things are going with the theater and if you've been able find a new place or pick up any back-up job yet? Hit me back when you get a minute. Miss you! Love you, Mom