Monday, May 3, 2010

Where to from Here?

So my new cat, for one reason or another, decided that he did not appreciate the 2nd story of the house and essentially resigned himself to only making his presence known the living room. Determined to be able to enjoy his company anywhere I please, I repeatedly attempted to integrate him into the bedroom. Which in my last attempt, he ran under the bed and has remained for the last half hour. So instead of getting to hang out with him anywhere in the house, I can't hang with him at all. I've got this really bad habit of doing stuff like that. When will I learn to stop wanting more? :)

Naw, but in all seriousness, when I saw on facebook that a cat needed a home, I thought to myself how much I had been wanting a pet. On a whim that had nothing to do with pet-ownership, I visited the person who had the cat. A day later, he came home with me. It's been really cool having another life form in the house. While 4 months living alone in a 4 bedroom house has many perks, it's cool to know I'm not physically alone in here anymore. Odin, has turned out to also be a pretty affectionate cat (when he's not punishing me for trying to get him to hang out upstairs). I sort of have the impulse to change his name, I know some people do that with pets they rescue/adopt/etc. To me, it just feels weird to say to someone "Hey, Chuck. I'm going to call you Sven now." Although it does sound like something that'd be fun to try at work. Also, Odin is a pretty original name. Don't know if I could come up with a better one off the top of my head.

On a similar note, one of my co-workers came by to check out the house. She's actually moving in on Friday. I still kind of in shock or waiting for someone to pop out of one of the closets in my house and say, "Just kidding! You're on candid camera!" But she seems pretty sincere. Julia is a pretty sweet girl. She's an infant (19 years old) and from Colorado. I think a reason this all felt pertinent enough for me to write about is that all I've been thinking about recently is change, and the need for some of it. I've been telling myself recently that some things need to change, and for the first time in a while, not only did was I not afraid of the idea of change, I was excited about it.

I've recently started eating healthy again, I need to start running again, and my homelife is about to get a HUGE overhaul. And I feel great about it. Hopefully I'll stick with writing about this. It's been well over a year since I posted anything in this most intimate setting of blogspot. Maybe because I haven't felt like there was much to write about. Or maybe because I'm lazy. Whatever. Either way, I had the sudden impulse to write something. So here it is. :)

1 comment:

Helles Belles said...

Yay new kitty and roommate! Everything is falling into place. =)