Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the hands of you!

Wow, in the middle of week number 8.  How crazy is that?  Sorry for the extreme wait in updateage.   Week 7 wasn't as nice to me as week 6.  But don't worry, I'm surviving and going to spare you the gory details.  Just a few updates, followed by a request to all of you for my next blog update.  

  I moved into the intermediate level, which was pretty exciting.  The teacher is nice enough, but I'm no where near being smart enough for his class.  He talks REALLY fast and uses a lot of words I don't understand.  Joanna (who I've dubbed Jojo) and I are still really tight.  We study and do homework together when we can.  There's this guy named Andrew from the states who is probably in his mid 40 and without a doubt my least favorite person I've known in a class.  We've also got Tessa from the states, Mark from Germany.  We lost Manfred (from my 2B class) last friday and got Martin (Holland) this week.  We've solidified that if you're not from one of the BIG 4 (USA, Switzerland, Holland, or Germany) you're only like 5% of the students at the school.  Classes are way more hectic than before....but I'm hanging in there.

  Friday we lost Eric (Holland).  He was a really cool guy.  He had his moments where I think he need a good reality slap, but I was sad to see him go.  Stephanie (U.S.) is done at the school, but staying in Buenos Aires, so that's nice.  Those are the highlights on those.  

Observation of the Day
   BA and PDA.  People here are very open about who they like if you catch my drift.  If I wasn't more secure about being single (I falter sometimes, but yeah) then I would be so annoyed.  People are making out all over the place.  It's sort of funny.  

I know, short right?

I've been meaning to do this for a while.  I feel like my blog has been lacking a little bit in the cultural significance sector.   So from all of you who still read this (Lol, all 3 of you :) )  If you have any questions about the city/life down here, my experience, please send them to me via e-mail at Abnormalbay@yahoo.com.  It will give me the opportunity to reflect better on what's been going on, it will also get me into thinking mode if there are cultural questions that I don't know the answer to.  I want my next blog entryto be another Q and A session as was one of my posts back in September.  Hoping to have some fun with this one.  And yes Paige, I will answer the question about Mate.  :)

Bye my lovelies.  


Monday, November 17, 2008

Best Weekend Ever.....

Oh wow, I'm still recuperating from this weekend, It had it's low points for sure, but I definitely had an amazing time.  

School and Tests
First off....The 2nd week of my class was a bit uneventful, my instructor had us talk a lot. Subjects like immigration in the countries of all of us in the class, gender roles in Argentina, Soap Operas (?) etc etc etc.  I know it was because the idea was that we would practice Speaking Spanish, but we weren't learning a lot about grammar, so naturally I was feeling a little restless.   Then the day before the test when we should have been reviewing for the test, we talked about randon subjects, took 5 minutes to cover 1 aspect of the test and then went to watch a video with another class.......I'm thinking, really?  If this isn't going to improve my odds of passing this class (which it didn't) then why would I want to watch such a thing?  

Woke up Friday morning for my exit test from Level 2B, the last level before I move to the intermediate set of levels.  I was sort of nervous, but at the same time, I wasn't.   When I received the test, there were some parts I really wasn't sure about, but I sort of jumped into it and just did what I thought would get me ahead.  All was seemingly going well until I got to the multiple choice section of the test.  I have no idea where we were supposed to study the information on that part of the test, but I definitely missed that part of the review. 

After the Listening and Oral part of the exams my instructor passed back the tests...........

Would you believe I got a 92?  

I was very excited and a little shocked.  I feel like my Spanish is continuing to improve, but I thought that perhaps if I of all people could get a 92, maybe the test wasn't that hard. (?)  After the class, there was the typical goodbye to students leaving the school and our professor, followed by the goodbye "diploma" ceremony after all the classes were done.  Again, good stuff.  
2B class  
Bernhard (Austria Via Germany), Joanna (Scotland) Juan Manuel (instr. Argentina), Viktor (Sweden), Malfred (Switzerland) and I.

Friday Night Drama and FUN times!
 Some of us went to the park for a while and then went home to get ready for the birthday party of Emmanuel, one of the employees of the school.   My friend that lives out here, Kurt, and his boyfriend, Fede, were also wanting to meet me at another bar.  

Gameplan of the night : 
Meet at apartment of Cydney (USA) for pre-outing hangout-ness, followed by Emmanuel's party, followed by all of us heading to the bar to meet Kurt and Fede, then head home right before I'm too tired to move.  Sounds simple right?  You'd think.  Started off at Cydney's with Eric, Joanna, Stephanie (My Amazing Race Team -story coming up) also with Cydney and Kai.  We were laughing, dancing and having a good time.  Eric, Joanna, Stephanie and I were competing in a competition the next day very similar to that of "The Amazing Race."  We were contemplating team names.  "Womanizer" being at the top of the list seeing as how it was the song most of us had on our heads and because between the 4 of us, none of us are more inclined to date a woman, so it sort of seemed like the perfect name, but naturally picking a team name is like picking pizza toppings,  not simple for many people to agree.

Anyway, we go to Emmanuel's birthday bar thing.  Anyone who knows what I'm like in a club on a good night knows how good a time I had.  While I did have a few drinks, I was not drunk at any point of the evening, so those of you who are worried about me in that light can rest easy for the rest of this blog.  So we're dancing at the club, having a great time.  And the time seemed to fly like nothing I've ever seen.  It reached about 2:30 when Eric came to me and asked when we were going to move on to the other bar.  I can say with confidence that in the future, I am NOT going to be in charge of coordinating a groups transition from one bar to another.  I let it lead to the detriment of my Halloween, and I almost let it happen again on Friday.  It was like trying to shepard a bunch of cattle.  This person can't be found because she's making out with someone, this person is hesitant on leaving because she's met a cute guy, this person is now missing......blah blah blah.  I eventually gave up and told the girls where we were going and left the club with Eric.  I was already pretty annoyed and didn't want to continue to be upset over something that wouldn't seem like a big deal the next day.  However, in the future, I'm going to have 1 person and 1 person only that I'm going to care if they come with me or not.  

The Amazing Race Team the night before
Eric (Holland), Alex, Joanna (Scotland), Stephanie (USA)
Alex and Cydney (USA)
So Eric and I are en route to the Club where we are meeting Kurt and Fede.  I text Cydney to apologize for my snippy attitude while trying to get the group to leave.  We arrive at the club, I pay the cab and we go inside "Plop," a gay bar (sorry mom and dad).  We pay, we enter, and within 1 minute, I reach for my phone to call the guys to tell them we arrived.................and it's GONE!  In a moment that can only be described as genetic (love you mom!) I leave my phone in the cab.  So any hope of getting that thing back is pretty slim.  So in l night, I've gone from feeling great, to ticked off, to being upset that people were seeing my less than fantastic personality traits and have now lost my cell phone......yeah, I'm really thrilled to be in an environment whose American equivalent is a breeding ground for attitude and rejection, 2 things I'm crazy about.  Within minutes, Eric tries to leave to go the bathroom.  The last thing I want is to get separated from him since if we lose each other that's it.  So naturally, I let him go anyway.  Within minutes, a guy actually started talking to me....Ok, THAT'S new.  Unfortunately, I'm in no mood to talk since I'm still feeling a bit grumpy, and even if I wanted to, the music was so loud, I would strain to understand his spanish anyway.  After figuring out that I don't speak spanish, he brought me to his friends attention who could understand more or less.  His name was Adrian.  

Adrian is a very nice guy who fortunately wasn't put off by the fact that I wasn't in the best of moods.  Interestingly enough, He only talked to me in English, and I only talked to him in Spanish.  It was a little odd, buy kind of cool.  Because we probably both looked goofy to the other.  But after a while, I started to relax and try and make the best of the situation.  Later, as if by luck, I turn my head from the conversation, and there about 10 people away from this packed club, is Kurt and Fede.  Things definitely worked out for the better on that one.  I introduced Kurt and Fede to Eric and then had Adrian come over and meet everyone.  What happened after I can only describe as a mental mind freak.  Eric, who I've told in the past that I liked, but was not met with a similar sentiment grabs me and starts dancing with me, like dark nightclub style dancing while I'm trying to talk to Adrian.  Not sure what to make of this and I'm pretty sure it's harmless, so I go along with it because I'm starting to have fun.  Then Adrian comes in and helps Eric make what can only be described as an Alex sandwich on foreign loaf.   It was definitely a unique experience since I'm used to getting 0 attention at clubs.  Here, people were coming up to me left and right talking about my hair, paying compliments, it was so weird.  

Can you guess which of the two of us ISN'T plastered?  Give you a hint, it starts with A and rhymes with "Balex"
Adrian, again, I don't know why I can't take a decent picture of anyone I meet anywhere.  

L to R
Some chick that would not leave me the heck alone for my drink until I gave her the whole thing, Kurt, Me, Fede, and heaven forgive me for forgetting Kurts friends Name.  I think I'm the only one who was aware a picture was being taken.  

This is what 6 in the morning looks like for me.  And Cleo is changed me back into a cat lover.

At one point, Adrian looks at me in that, "Hey, what's going on" smiley sort of way, which can only mean one thing.....due to the nature of some of my readers, I must refrain for disclosing more information.  To squelch any fears, I can say with confidence I still haven't done anything below the waist with anyone since I've been here......but I WILL say that someone must have told Adrian there was gold at the back of my throat.........I'll let you o the math on that one.  But yeah, it was like trying to hold a wall against a stampede.  For this first time I can recall, I was feeling good, and I wasn't getting all wrapped up in the possibility of what would happen after that evening (which is what I tend to do with people I'm interested in) There was no pressure and I was ok with however things turned out.   He ended up getting my email so he could look me up on facebook.  We're supposed to hang out or go on a "date" this thursday or Friday. 

Saturday : The Amazing Race
So I wake up Saturday (thankfully by the way since my cell phone had acted as my alarm prior to me losing it) to go and do "El Gran Juego" or "The Amazing Race" as it's known in the states.    For those of you who don't know it, the show puts teams of 2 against each other in a race around the world.    We're we doing something similar by running around Recolleta, an area of Buenos Aires.  I had heard about it a week before and new immediately I wanted to be apart of it.  We were supposed to go with teams of 4, so I immediately got into reality TV mode and starting scheming who I would want on my team 5 days prior to the race.  Joanna, being my new soul mate was an immediate choice.  Tanja (Switzerland) was also at the top of my list of people I wanted to ask.  But showed zero interest in participating.  Next, I asked Stephanie (USA) if she would have any interest.  Stephanie and I had really started to get to know each other the weekend before.  I knew she was athletic, and the first words out of her mouth after I asked her to join the team were, "I need you to know, I'm VERY competitive."  For those of you who know me well, this was music to my ears.  With one spot left, Joanna suggested we needed another guy.  I had already figured I would ask Eric, who agreed and also said he was a very competitive person.  So we were golden.   The entire week leading up to the race, we were the only team signed up.  We learned that the prize for winning was a free week of classes at the school.  Steph, Jo, and I were really gung ho about it because we all want more time at the school.  I started to get nervous because of all the breathing trouble I've had thus far in Argentina, so I really wasn't sure what to expect.  

The day arrives, and I go to the school to find Eric and two others already waiting for the game.  After a bit of a scare of whether Jo and Steph would show, both girls arrived.  Along with a team of 2 Swiss guys with 2 South African guys, and 5 random people who were put into a team together.  The tasks were really fun the first two rounds.  We had to run and get pictures of famous tombs in the cemetery, pictures with cops, cab drivers, priests, etc.  The Swiss-South Africa team took off in the very first leg, so I assumed they were probably going to burn out pretty quickly if they didn't conserve their energy.  We had a few minor setbacks, but we were a pretty strong team.     After two legs, the Swiss-South Africa team quit.  Which was funny because they were 4 young guys.  So it was basically down to us and Team Random.  Team Random had a few trash talkers, so naturally, NEVER being able to stand down.  I fired right back at them.   Then the items we needed started getting ridiculous.  Like needing to take a picture of 3 argentinians doing a human pyrimid, a picture of 3 argentinians with Red Underwear, and a picture with 3 argentinians named Ana, Maria, and Pablo.  I don't care who you are, the 2nd and 3rd are tough even if you speak the language of the people you are asking.   Going into the final round the two teams are tied up.  Instead of taking pictures we need to bring 5 items to the final meeting point.  Our team decides it's best to split up.  The girls need to find a Hippie, Eric is going for a Flag and a card with one of the saints of the catholic faith, and I am going to run to a toystore for a rubix cube and a frog.  I had been told that there was a toystore on santa fe just 5 blocks away, which was a lie from the pit of hell. I should have known better because Santa Fe is FAR on using ANY street from the street we were on.  I use 20 of my 30 minutes just to run to Santa Fe, stopping along the way when I see a frog in the window and then ask patrons about the name of the final meeting point that I have to find, and naturally forgetting the name of the place I have to get to.  

I get to the toystore to discover they only have one of those huge advanced electronic rubix cubes that have a lot of puzzles on it for 130 pesos, I wasn't going to do it, but I got a call on Jo's Cell phone (I was using it for that round of the challenge) saying we still needed both.  I figured. 130 pesos vs 190 USD?  Yeah, it's worth it.  I buy the rubix cube and hail a cab to try and get there before my time is up.  I get a call at 4 minutes til the deadline asking where I am.  The cab driver tells me we'll be at where he's dropping me off in 3 minutes.  I have no clue if I'll make it in time.  I get dropped of 2 minutes before the deadline and have to run about 400 meters on what can be described as one of the stretches of road VERY similar to the Las Vegas Strip.  Lots of tourists with absolutely NO WHERE to be.  So I'm dodging and run and jump over shrubs, dodge through people like a football player to show up at the final checkpoint with less than a minute to spare........Our items are examined..................And we are declared the winners!   

It was a great feeling, but it was almost pathetic that we were all so competitive and the other laid back team only lost to us by one point.  Really makes me think I need to not care so darn much about winning.  But then i remembered, oh yeah, I just won a free week of classes worth 190 USD for about 10 bucks once we broke up how much we spent for the rubix cube, so horray for being too competitive for my own good.  
"Take a picture with 3 teammates and a priest"
Take a picture of 3 teammates and 3 Argentines doing making a human pyramid.
Los Guaponizers

We ate, celebrated, and then tried to go out for "El noche de Museos" which is a night where all the museums are free.  It was supposed to go from 7 at night to 2 in the morning.  But I was so tired from running around all day that I hit 2 museums and went the crap home to go to bed.  

The following day, Joanna and I went to the part near The Cemetery of Recoleta where there are at least a hundred people selling their wares.  It was really cool, because I've only glanced over some of them in the past.  It was the first time that we actually went and saw ALL of the little vendors.  It's a little disarming because of our limited spanish skills, but we got by pretty well I thought.  I am completely blown away at how talented the people are down here. Some of the things they were able to make I wouldn't even conceive.  Aside from having a very artistic mindset with colors.  I saw people truly taking something ordinary and making it into something extraordinary.  We took a break in our shopping to have a seat in the grass and take in some sun.  It was a perfect way to unwind from the craziness of the previous two days.  Then I bought a Mate cup, (ask me about that later :)  )  Afterwards, we hit up the cultural center where they had a bunch of different unique Art pieces.  Some of them I really couldn't stop staring at.  Which was weird.  But good nonetheless.


Observation of the day
Argentina is a very PDA friendly place.  you can't seem to go anywhere without finding two people who are looking for the gold at the back of each other's throats.   In the park, it's like couple central.  I believe one of my teachers said it's not a problem if you aren't married, but something's wrong if you're single.  It may have been a joke, but yeah.  This is a passionate country for sure.  

That's all for now.  

Keep reading for a request for help with an upcoming blog!  I'm too tired to do it now and this blog is crazy long already!



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

As the halfway point draws nearer.....

There are so many things to think about and consider, and don't you just feel so thrilled to have a front row seat?  Sorry for the delay, The first 4 weeks, there were 2 wifi internet connections that I could use.  Last week, one of the became locked, and about 5 days ago, the other one became VERY weak.   So I didn't have any connection to the internet from home.  Luckily, today a new one showed up, so I'm trying to get as much out of it as I can before I encounter a similar problem as the other 2.  

Ok, so yesterday sparked the 6th week of me being gone.  To me, this is totally insane, because it doesn't feel like I have been gone that long.  6 weeks is definitely the longest I've ever been away from home at one time.  It feels good.  But obviously, there are things back home that I definitely miss.  (You know who you are *wink*) 

Classes are continuing and they are ok.  My teacher likes to talk a lot, which is good since I'm much worse at understanding than speaking (which I am STILL being told is weird by EVERYONE, lol)  and I can use the practice.  But sometimes if I don't figure out a way to be engaged in the conversation of class, it's hard for my mind not to wander just a little.  Thank god for my new Scottish friend, Joanna.  She's my sanity in that class right now.  Jo and I are spending a lot of time together.  It's sort of eerie how much travel/life wise we have in common.  She's less than a year older than me, we have a degree in the same subject.  We both are at the language school for 3 months (even though she started a month after me) and we both want to find jobs so we can stay down here until we are fluent, so we definitely have a LOT of similarities. 

Joanna "Jo" (Scotland) and I.  Really sweet girl.  The sun makes my face look like some sort of Kabuki landing pad for the Starship Enterprise.  

New Blog Section:  Job Hunting
The browsing for a job has officially begun.  A bit later than I expected I would.  I've decided that I definitely want to stay here beyond my studies at the school.  While I know I'll get a lot of practice in at the school.  I don't believe I'll be fluent in 6.5 more weeks.  Right now, it seems like I'll be looking for a job in a bar (eww), a hotel (smells like Vegas anyone?) or just teaching english (which would be totally awesome!)  The teaching thing would be great, because I have friends that say it's REALLY easy and fun.  But some places you need certification, which is something I definitely don't have.  But we'll see.  Everyone down here always asks "what do you do?"  which is always a weird question for me.  Obviously you understand if you know what my last two jobs were.  So I guess I need to start narrowing my answer from "Anything" to "customer service and performance."  *shrugs*  We'll see.  

The social aspect continues to be an interesting one.  It's REALLY getting harder and harder to try and get to know someone on a more than surface level when you find out they're only in town for 2-4 weeks.  Of course I still get to know them and maybe invite them out to lunch if the situation presents itself, but it's a little difficult to get close to someone you know will leave.  It really makes you long for your friends back home that you know wouldn't leave you if you hadn't uprooted yourself and flown to another hemisphere.  (Miss you guys!)  The really stupid thing, is I KNOW I need to be making friend down here in Buenos Aires.  And anyone who knows me, knows that I have 0 trouble talking to new people and making friends.  However, the language barrier is absolutely KILLER!  Especially since it is hard for me to understand Spanish.  I can in theory go up to people and start talking to them in spanish, but the split second they start talking back, it's impossible.  So I'm sort of in between a rock and a hard place on that one.  It's sort of sad though, because I've talked to some people from Argentina who are VERY nice to me.  Ugh.....it's very hard.  Something about not being able to communicate like I do in english is very uncomfortable for me.  I know I need to get over that so I can improve on my listening skills.

Semi-New Section: Events and Outings
Creamfield:  Big Outdoor Electronica Festival that everyone was talking about.  It seemed like a chance to rake in some culture and something interesting to do.  So I splurged and bought a ticket.  We arrived and it was a really large field with a bunch of different tents set up for different acts.  There were also A LOT of men walking around shirtless.  Now, back home, I try to refrain from being one of the guys who oggles attractive people when the walk by.  But OH MY FREAKING GOSH, it was impossible NOT to be looking.  Anywho, I unfortunately discovered that Electronica isn't exactly my favorite type of music.  But there were definitely acts that I LOVED......well, one act that I loved.  A lot of the acts to me (having no understanding about how electronica works) sounded the same to me.  But one that I did watch was this group called Bajofondo.  They are an electronica tango group.  They were flipping amazing.  I loved them.  They were INSANELY good.  I suggest everyone take a look at them.  You may have to look around for a little.  Some of the videos I found of them on Youtube were not a reflection at ALL of how talented they are.   Unfortunately, around 11 pm, I started having............breathing trouble (*dun dun dun) I know......sucks big time.  So I take the hike to where I could grab a water and breathe for a minute, and visit the doctors tent (why there would be one at this festival is beyond me, but I was pretty glad) After convincing 3 people that I HADN'T taken any recreational drugs, I got a hit of an inhaler that didn't do much.  Spliced with some drama I didn't want to stay and enjoy, the breathing thing made me decide to go home.   It was a bummer because EVERYONE was saying how it was going to get better as the night progressed, but what can you do?

The ladies in Black were my dates to Creamfield.  LtR Sanne (Holland), Alex, Tanja (Switzerland), Amy (UK) (also from the school), and Dunja (Holland)  My evil tanline is back......ew.......

I don't know WHY there were guys who were at an Electronica concert dressed as the Y.M.C.A. guys, but I know it was worth taking a picture.

God Bless Europe.   Simon (England) and Phillipe (Germany)

"Mi Segundo Nombre Es Fiesta"  Best sign EVER!

Doctors visit 2.0
Well I went to the doctors office yesterday (again) at the German Hospital.  For those of you new to the blog, yes, there is a German Hospital in Argentina.  I don't really know why, but there you go.  The doctor said my lungs sound ok, but that it's probably asthma, not sure how that make sense, but then again, I'm not a doctor.  It sucks because I haven't had a flair up like this with my breathing since I was a Senior in High School (that I can recall)  He prescribed the South American equivalent to Advair.  I'm already starting to feel better, but I obviously won't be doing any rigorous cardio workouts soon.  :)  

At the tail-end of the visit, I asked the doctor if I could jump on the scale.  I've been convinced that since I've arrived in Buenos Aires, I've gained anywhere from 5-10 lbs.  I know I know, "Alex, it doesn't matter because you're so skinny."  Humor me people, It's something I think about.  So I'm convinced I'm putting on all this weight.  Keeping in mind that I was anywhere between 150-155 lbs at any given point throughout college, I get on the scale and weigh 67.5 kg or 148 lbs.  I couldn't believe that one.  It HAD been a few hours since I had eaten last, but I was very surprised.  So I'm thinking I might be developing body dysmorphic disorder or something.  Who knows?  It was funny, he tried to figure out my BMI.  After he figures it out, he looks at me and says, "18%, you're underweight" Something in his tone made me think this was suppose to surprise me.  

Money Matters:
So with the splurge on the concert+ buying drinks (I only bought water like a boring person) and the unexpected expense of having to take a taxi home alone since I had my breathing episode combined with the abrupt doctors visit and prescription drug, I have entered this period where it seems like I am rapidly spending money.  Collectively, it isn't too much in general, but for an unemployed American with a limited amount of money at his disposal, It definitely helped in the decision that this is the week I need to start researching job positions.  I also am not going to frequent restaurants that often either.  I still think I could make what I have left last me until the end of my schooling, but I sort of want to have some of that money as a cushion if I am able to stay for unexpected doctors visits and rent crises. 

Song on my head of the day:
I only know it as "Track 11" on Switchfoot's "The Beautiful Letdown" album.  It's been in my itunes for a while, but I never listened to it.  Found it a few days ago.  It's a tad melancholy, but a good song.  Catchy, especially toward the end.  

Person (People) Back home of the day:
Double hitter this time!  L2R Paige and Michelle.  Thing 1 and Thing 2!  (Good friends of mine) These two are hilarious.  I used to work with Paige's Husband and I can't ever remember how Michelle and I met the very first time, but all that matters is that I think they're both amazing!  They're always so supportive and they can make me laugh in ways I can't quite explain in any language I'm fluent in.  Miss you Girls, thanks for supporting the craziness that is your friend and for checking in on my blog.  :)

Observation of the Day
  This was actually sort of a surprise.  There are WAY more short people in this country.  I don't know if it's a lack of appreciation for vegetables as opposed to meat or WHAT it is, but there are some Shorty McShortisons down here.  I'm not trying to make fun of them, and there are DEFINITELY people who are not vertically challenged.  But there are enough people (women AND men) out here that are not of the 5'6'' and above variety for me to notice the trend.   My current instructor is probably 5'2'' and that guy from the gay pride parade that I danced with might have barely breached 5'' even.  

I would put you all through more punishment and write more, but I can't think of anything else to write for this post.  So aren't you all lucky?

Next time on Alex's Thought Bubble
  • Alex will be hopefully breathing well enough to go running.  Maybe I can go make some friends that way....... probably not, but here's for hoping.
  • Alex will ask his friends and blog followers to participate in an upcoming blog post!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Sorry for the delay in updates folks! Nothing too exciting going on this week.  :)  But I need to dust the cobwebs off this blog, So here goes.   This was written over a span of about 3 days.....So the order was completely messed up.  and I'm having trouble staying connected to the internet (weak signal) so I'm just going to hit "post."  Please forgive all style/grammar/spelling errors, etc.  


So I hear there's a new president, and I'm told he's black..............What the crap is going on back home?  Pretty soon interracial marriage will be legal, and people from other countries will be able to come into the country and work without citizenship..................Just kidding!  My sense of humor is a little tapped as of late.  


That guy I met at the Pride, Dany (Argentina) and I hung out the day after.  Very nice guy who is helping me a lot with my spanish, but I sort of figured that he wasn't really what I was looking for in............well............in a romantic............anything.  He's a nice guy, but I don't really see myself with him in a romantic capacity.  Today we had that conversation, it was pretty awkward, and he said he understood, but something tells me he might still be trying to work the angle.  I think he'll make a great friend, but that's where I'm leaving it for now....  

I started my new class on Monday.  The instructor is really good.  It's actually a guy this time.  He's less prone to ask us questions about our home countries, so I have about 0 opportunity to ham it up and try and make everyone laugh.  Which is probably a good thing considering the students I'm with.  First, there's this guy from Holland, or Sweden, I don't know, but his name is Victor.  I think collectively, he has said about 50 words in the 3 days of class I've had with him.  So he's super fun.  Then I have the guy that I had the last two weeks in my 2A level class.  Bernhard.  Bernhard is from Germany, but lives in Austria.  I sort of figured he and I would end up in the same class this time, and I can't say I'm entirely joyous.  Without drawing it out like I tend to.  Bernhard doesn't talk a lot, he stares at people with a pretty unique look on his face, and all around makes people pretty uncomfortable.  He's never said or done anything wrong to me, so naturally I can't conceivably treat him like he's a bad person.   So I invite him to certain things and I think he appreciates it, because he starts wanting to hang out.  Not a big deal, except when we are in an enclosed space, I tend to get REALLY uncomfortable, which sucks because AGAIN, he doesn't do anything wrong.  

So the first day and a half in my new class was pretty much the teacher talking, me asking about 200 questions and the other 2 pretty much listening to the 2 of us interact.  Pretty sweet deal.  It was almost like private lessons but with an audience.  Then halfway through day 2, we got a girl who was in a higher level, but wanted to go back a level because the one she came into was too difficult. (yay estrogen in the classroom!)  Her name is Joanna and she is from Scotland.  (Awesome Accent!)  So I have someone in the class that I can bond with, and bond we have.  We've eaten together, hit up Museo together, gone shopping together, it's pretty surprising how we sort of meshed so quickly.  Part of it I think is the fact she's down here doing EXACTLY what I'm doing.  School for 3 months, then it's job hunting time so that she can stay longer.  This was immediately great because I don't have to worry about her leaving after a few weeks!  

Tanja (Switzerland) and I have been becoming closer, which is also very nice.  She's such a free spirit and a totally beautiful girl.  She's got an open plan on staying in BA as well.  I think once I know someone is staying for a while, I'm a little bit less guarded about hanging out with them.  I've already had a lot of friends head elsewhere and it sucks.  

Voting exp  ( I can't move this underneat the politics heading, don't blame me, blame blogspot)  
So one of the things i should have done forever but didn't was go to the American Embassy and apply and do what I need to do to vote.  I know, I'm a horrible person and shouldn't have waited.  Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda.  I did end up voting but there's about a 95% chance it didn't count.  Unfortunately, Nevada is one of those really stupid states that doesn't let you fax or email your vote in.  what the crap kind of system is THAT, Nevada? So the vote was received.....umm..............the day of the election.  :-\   I personally thought I was SOL, but the guy behind the counter kept insisting that there was a chance the vote would count, I have no idea how, but it made me feel better.  Either way, my candidate won the election so if someone tries to hit me over the head with the "every vote matters" speech, I'll be ready for them. I've just decided to quite here while I'm ahead.  Don't want to incite any political debates on my blog.  

Oddly enough, people down here are THRILLED about Obama being president.  I can't count how many people said "Congratulations!" to me the other day.    One recurring theme about this trip is that people from ALL over the world seem to know about what's going on in America.  Which is always a little weird if you don't know much about the politics of other countries because you feel like the person who received a Christmas gift from a person you didn't buy anything for...........ok..........horrible analogy, but you get my drift.

Nothing else really going on.  It's been a very relaxing couple of days.  Coming up, I'm going out tomorrow night probably, then I'm going to Creamfield (doesn't THAT sound enticing?) Some sort of all day, all night concert festival, I'm totally having 2nd thoughts because it's supposed to be an hour away and a cab ride home would be an arm and a leg, which would suck because I had sell a kidney for a ticket......crap. 

Observation of the Day
I've been waiting to do this since week 1, so it only seems fit to bring this section of my blog back discussing something I feel strongly about.   EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS CITY SMOKES (and by EVERY SINGLE PERSON, of course I am exaggerating.........or am I)   It is absolutely uncanny.  Old people, young people, attractive people, you name it.  I'm convinced I'll see a dog or cat with a cosmo and a cigarette ANY day now.  I hate the smell of 2nd hand smoke as it is.  And I don't know how, but my face is like a vacuum for it.  No matter what angle, the smoke goes STRAIGHT for my face, which gets REALLY old, REALLY fast.  It's like these people have NEVER heard of lung cancer.    I know it's a cultural thing that I should be sensitive to, but I have always maintained the idea that as long as you aren't killing babies, do whatever floats your boat, but once you start compromising my breathing capacity, I can't stay silent.  Unless of course you don't speak English and I don't know how to say, "please blow your death smoke in the face of someone who can appreciate it" in spanish.........oh wait..............

Person Back Home of the "Day"

The Rents!  
Mom and Pop have been nothing but supportive of me on this venture.  I miss them a lot!  

Hope to have more posted soon!  


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wow, 4 weeks under my belt already....

Doesn't feel that way at all... 

With more photos!  Get comfy, this is probably my longest blog to date.  

Before ANYTHING else is said, I must give the following very important public service announcement.........if you are going to be celebrating your favorite holiday in another country, it would behoove you to do some research and make sure the country celebrates the holiday!  Thank You!  More on this PSA in a minute.  

But first I need to go back to the last time I wrote something down.  It's getting harder and harder to write in here everyday.  Sorry I'm failing you faithful readers back home.  :)  

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty tame.  I went back to Museo, the nightclub on Wednesday night (and only had 1 drink for those of you who are still worried about me).  Had a great time.  Thursday, I totally lost cool points with a lot of people by going with 2 friends to see the 5 installment of the "Saw" movie series.  I know I shouldn't have been excited about it at all considering how I HATED the 3rd one and the twist of the 4th one was insanely stupid.  But for whatever reason I was completely stoked about the new movie.  Of the 5, I'd place it in the middle as far as likability goes.  The Spanish subtitles actually made the experience more fun.  Go Subtitles!

Then I went back to school to study until there was a class on how to make these Argentinean  cookies.  The process was fun even though I had to keep going back to wash my hands because I kept sneezing into my hands and not my shoulder.  The cookies were absolutely delicious but probably artery clogging like nothing else I've ever had.  

Friday was a day of great anticipation for me.  At school, It was the last day of 2A, I was also loosing A LOT of friends,  and it was HALLOWEEN!  

I went to school, with not a lot of energy.  My instructor made the GRAVE mistake of telling our class that pass or fail, we were going to move onto the next level of 2B.  Good thing that was the case.  Had it not been, I may have been in serious trouble.  We took the test and then corrected it.  Then that was a wrap for 2A I hate to say it, but THANK GOD.  I had the nicest teacher ever, but she did not make learning the language that exciting.  Obviously, not every teacher must do so, but it makes a person who needs a lot of energy to stay on par with what I need to learn.  Also, it looks as though August, my little brother on the trip is moving to the afternoon classes because he can't wake up in time for the morning session.  Susan (the beauty from Switzerland via Germany) is heading back home, leaving Bernard (Germany) and I to take on 2B.  Bernhard is an interesting duck to say the least.
LtoR August (Sweden) Ana-Instructor (Argentina) Bernhard (Germany) and Susan (Switzerland via Germany) and Alex

Afterwards was the weekly graduation-type ceremony.  Horrible food for us vegetarians (which there are quite a few on this trip)  and then the handing out of diplomas and speeches.  It was sad watching friend after friend getting up there and say there goodbyes to everyone.  This was especially difficult because most of the people leaving were people that arrived when I did 4 weeks ago. so we had that experience of being in a new place together and all the buzz and excitement that goes along with it.  I know it's part of the terrain of being here for so long, but yeah.  Still sad.  (Miss you guys already!)

Mathias and Carmen

Nina (Germany), Alex and Tanja (Switzerland)

Stephanie (US) and Lela (Carribean via Switzerland) 

Then I went out with some friends to the park, where there were all these venders selling stuff.  I found this necklace that I liked, but was (and still am a little convinced) is for a woman.  The lady selling them was very nice.  We had a great conversation, she said I should be a model.  Nothing would be cooler than to get paid for having my picture taken, because then I wouldn't have to speak my broken spanish to survive.  After the conversation, she ended up giving me the necklace for free.  It was really unique, and I didn't really understand why, but it was a really nice gesture that I appreciated a lot.  
LtoR:  Jessica (The Netherlands) Nina (Germany) Dorinne (???) Eric (Holland) August (Sweden) and Miriam (Holland)

I don't know why, but I really like this picture.  This is the necklace that was given to me.  

 Afterwards, I hung out with the students and went home to plan the evening.  I was going to dinner with Mathias, Lela (Carribean via Switzerland) Carmen (Switzerland) and Marko (Germany).  Then we were going to the birthday party of Romina, the director of the school that I go to.  Which, by the way, Unless your birthday is 10/31, what kind of twisted sadist has a birthday party on halloween night?  I love this woman, but come on.  Afterwards, my homestay sister Brittney (US), her friend Sarah (US), all other interested parties and I were supposed to go to an international halloween party.  I was going to be rocking an outfit that unless you've known me for a number of years, you probably have never seen.  And since I didn't use my camera that night (low battery) you'll have to wait to see it, all I can say is good or bad, I was getting a LOT of looks.    I'll just say that it's an outfit I wore once to Rocky Horror and leave it at that.  

Dinner went down at my favorite restaurant out here, BIO.  It was one of my favorite experiences yet.  Lela is a hilariously open minded woman.  I'm going to go live with her in the Carribean and get taken care by her (This is HER idea mind you, but I'm up for it!)  Carmen is adorable, Mathias is like my big brother, and Marko is the guy that the 3 of them know much better than I do.  

I go to the birthday party and was going to wait until right before leaving to change into my costume.  The students from my homestay sister's program were the only people in there wearing costumes.  It was really funny how many people wanted me to change into mine, because I was carrying it in a bag.  I only did it because I was so flipping hot in that bar.  My friend Nina came with me to the bathroom and helps me change.  We caused a lot of commotion with that considering the other men in the bathroom were a little confused and probably very uncomfortable.  I re-enter, costume clad, and made quite a splash.  I was told I made quite a splash and was the "most popular person" in there.  Personally I think I had the most "what the heck is he wearing" outfit, but perhaps I'm probably splitting hairs.  I'm getting a lot of accolades from people (namely women and straight men from the school)  and as much as I love it, I really want to go to the halloween party.  Long story short, I'm ready to go, Brittney and Sarah aren't.  I finally say, screw it, I'm going anyway, at which my dinner companions are ready to go home.  I'm determined to go to this hallowen thing.  So I'm totally on my own trying to get someone to come with.  So after an hour, I finally get my friend Tanja to go with me.  More and more students are leaving and more and more Argentineans are arriving and not finding my costume funny.  So I get my clothes back on and we leave.  We first check out this weird rave/house thing = stupid.  We take a cab over to the costume party that is JUST ending.  I was pretty depressed on that one.  Valid lesson learned.  IF YOU HAVE A PLAN AND PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO STICK TO IT, LEAVE ANYWAY AND BLAME THEM IF THEY GET UPSET.  My darn nice side didn't want to leave britt and sarah.  So I go home upset and dejected and blaming myself for the way the night turned out.  

  Thank god for a new day right?  

I wake up, take a shower and head out for what actually turned out to be a great time.  First, I went to Mathias' apartment to say goodbye to him as well as Carmen and Lela.  He made Euro style pancakes and they were quite good.  Afterwards, I meet up Tanja.  We were going to the GAY PRIDE festival that I only learned about 2 days beforehand......We eat in the park and head over.  It was a bit dull until we ran into Eric (Holland) and his friends.  He has the great idea of trying to get on one of these (for a lack of a better term)  a truck type thing with a giant area for people to be in for dancing.  We were actually able to get on one and were dancing for about 3 hours.  It was a total hoot.  We were worried it wasn't going to move when we were on it for over an hour and still wasn't moving.  I'm so glad it did though.  We were having a great time.  We got to dance up the entire parade route.  The funniest parts about the ride were:  
  • The had the same 10 songs on a loop.  5 of which you could really dance to and go crazy (Y.M.C.A., I Will Survive, Grace Kelly), and then a few that even if I knew the words to, I wouldn't EVER want to dance to (Like A Prayer for example)
  • There was a Madonna look alike next to me, who was pretty aggressive about being able to be seen by parade patrons.  She obviously has never heard of me.  While I was totally open for making sure she could have space to groove, I wasn't going to let her push me out of my area.  We eventually made peace with the mounting tension we were feeling.
Something interesting also happened.  There was a guy walking up the parade route who was giving me a lot of attention.  Well, our group was getting a lot of attention in general.  But this guy would be near our dance car, then gone, then back again.  But he and I were always doing the "you look at me and smile, I look back and smile thing" that I'm horrible at.  Let's be honest, I'm horrible at anything to do with romance.  Eventually, he made his way up on our car.  He turned out to be about a full foot shorter than me, so I worried he might be 16 or something.  Anywho, we did the fun shirtless dancing thing.  It was a lot of fun.  His name is Dany.  We finally got to the end of the parade route that was more or less the end of the evening.  Dany and I made plans to see each other again.  I don't know how to feel about it but just that he may be a friend.  I'm so stupid with guys.  Throw in the fact there's a HUGE language barrier since he doesn't speak much english.  I speak more spanish then when I got here, but understanding is still near impossible for me.  Right now, I'll just take it as a nice guy and that there is a mutual attraction.  Hopefully we'll get to know each other and maybe practice learning each other's languages.   The two of us with Eric and Tanja grabbed some food and then went to our respective homes.  

Tanja and I arriving at Gay Pride

My tiny Admirer Dany and I.  
We both look horrible.  

Well, that's the extensive version of what went on with my weekend.  Lol.  I need to shower and do some heavy duty studying.  


p.s. REALLY short story.  Was invited by my US friend living in BA to a costume party a week ago.  Movie themed.  I had absolutely nothing to work with clothing-wise.  So I took my bruise wheel of different colored make-up and made a broken line going down my chest to a "X" near my waist line, and called myself "National Treasure."  We drew palm trees, the ocean and mountains and even a compass.  It was so dark where we were that no one could tell it was on there at all.  Even if they had, I doubt they would have understood the reference. But I was really proud of myself for the idea having little time and little resources to work with. IMG_1937